Operate a fitness club during COVID-19

You may already be doing this, but still, the time has come to take extra precautionary measures to keep your employees and members healthy and safe from the COVID disease.

The following best practices will help you do that:

Keep your premises cleaner and disinfected,​

  • Arrange sanitized shoes for the gym members at the entrance.
  • Place hand washing stations or hand sanitizers throughout your gym.
  • Mark signs for your entire facility, reminding customers of proper hygiene.
  • Have a cleaner that periodically wipes down common surfaces and equipment for member use.
  • Make sure the gym is well-ventilated.

Change the way of workouts,​

  • Modify or adjust training equipment and group classes to maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet.

If rearranging is not an option, keep “do not use” signs and turn-off/unplug select equipment to allow for proper social distancing.

  • Encourage members to wear masks during workouts.
  • Eliminate workouts in group and partner-based movements.
  • Limit access to common areas where employees are likely to gather and interact
  • Restrict the use of shower and changing areas.
Change the way of administrative work,
  • Training should include importance of social distancing.
  • Cover the face with a cloth or mask appropriately.
  • Do not share personal items or equipment unless absolutely necessary.
  • Employees should be encouraged to stay home if they feel sick.
  • Clean high-touch surfaces and objects regularly after you have visitors in your gym.
  • Ensure proper hand sanitized between each transaction after employees make cash or card payments.
  • Consider turning off water dispensers, except at no-touch bottle refill stations.
  • Encourage members and employees to bring their own water bottle. 

Make a plan and communicate with your employees Ask them to share this process with the members and make sure they follow it.

These are uncertain times, but an opportunity to come together as a fitness community. Remember that you are not alone.

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